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Baking Soda The Best and Least Abrasive Toothpaste

bamboo and boar bristle toothbrush biodegradable toothbrushes diy eco-friendly products environmentally friendly upcycle

Baking Soda The Best and Least Abrasive Toothpaste

A quick search of using baking soda as a toothpaste will bring up some facts mixed with a bit of BS. 

Sodium Bicarbonate aka Baking Soda is actually very, very low on the abrasive scale. Check the chart below.

Your fact finding mission on google may lead you to believe that using baking soda on the regular would be too abrasive.

Shockingly it is much less abrasive than everything except just using water. Even natural toothpastes and popular brands that add sodium bicarbonate come up much higher on the Relative Dentin Abrasive (RDA) value. 

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Wishcycling and the Problem With Plastic Recycling

biodegradable earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly green products plastic pollution wishcycling

Wishcycling and the Problem With Plastic Recycling

What is wishcycling? 

“Wishcycling" the act of putting something in your recycling bin in the hope that someone, somewhere will figure out what to do with it along the way.

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Fair Trade Artisan Goods

eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly hemp zero waste zerowaste

Fair Trade Artisan Goods

Your purchase of hemp goods makes a real impact on the artisan women that produce Gaia Guy's back scrubber and hemp wash cloths. Zero waste and plastic-free goods that really make a difference on people and the planet.

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Gaia Guy's Bamboo and Boar Bristle Toothbrush - Biodegradable Toothbrush is big in Japan!

bamboo bamboo and boar bristle toothbrush bamboo toothbrush biodegradable biodegradable toothbrushes eco-friendly products green products

Gaia Guy's Bamboo and Boar Bristle Toothbrush - Biodegradable Toothbrush is big in Japan!

天然毛の竹歯ブラシ(ナイロン不使用)- 完全 100%生分解性 豚毛・竹ハンドル ゼロ ・ウェイスト - 6本セット Natural Bristle Bamboo Toothbrush (NO Nylon) - Totally Biodegradable Boar Bristles and Bamboo is Zero Waste - 6-Pack 商品の説明 Description 遂に登場!100%地球に優しい、天然毛の竹の歯ブラシ。 YOUR SEARCH FOR A TOTALLY NATURAL BAMBOO TOOTHBRUSH IS OVER! Gaia Guy では、ゼロ・ウェイストを目指す仲間たちは真に地球に合わせたソリューションを求めている事を知っています。正直、歯磨きにナイロンは必要でしょうか?実は何世紀にもわたって歯ブラシに使用され、今もなお一部の歯ブラシで使用されている、豚毛。衛生的で歯にも優しいこの天然素材を、使わない手はありません。 Gaia Guy knew our zero waste customers and friends wanted a truly planet-based solution. Let's face it as nice as nylon is we don't need to use to brush our teeth. Boar bristles have been used for centuries and are still used in many brushes so it just makes sense to use these hygienic and less abrasive natural fiber bristles....

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100% Biodegradable Toothbrush

bamboo and boar bristle toothbrush bamboo toothbrush biodegradable toothbrushes eco-friendly products Gaia Guy green products natural bristle toothbrush zero waste zerowaste

100% Biodegradable Toothbrush

A 100% biodegradable bamboo toothbrush does exist! And lots of other bloggers have found out that Gaia Guy makes a truly no nylon toothbrush that has natural bristles. Here's a feature about all of them as a thank you for spreading the sustainable solutions from Gaia Guy like our bamboo and boar bristle toothbrush.

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