The Blender Girl Likes Gaia Guy
Gaia Guy nut milk bags might not be endorsed by the likes of Oprah or Jamie Oliver (not yet at least). However, The Blender Girl certainly knows a thing or 10 about nut milks and smoothies. She actually uses these products and no I didn't pay her to say this! She just likes them and shared. Get the same nut milk bags that The Blender Girl uses now! You can use nut milk bags for MUCH MORE! Love the @Gaia_Guy bags + glass straws #dairyfree #plantbased #sustainable — The Blender Girl (@theblendergirl) June 11, 2016 Another one from The Blender Girl I...
Stop Being Nucking Futs! Easy Nut Milk Recipe
almond milk Gaia Guy green products hemp infographic nut milk bag nut milk bags
Time to stop being nucking futs! You can read the labels and see that there are a lot of odd things in that store bought almond milk. Even the things you think should be good, like vitamins turn out to be synthetic and garbage. Here is a fun infographic with some almond milk facts and an easy nut milk recipe that only requires some nuts, a blender and Gaia Guy organic nut milk bags. Get your health on! You can purchase your very own organic nut milk bags on or Amazon US peeps might like to checkout there.
International Day Of Yoga
history video yoga yoga blocks
The United Nations proclaimed June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. Get downward you dog and salute the sun today. It took me a long while to get into yoga, but I am glad I did. Not only will you find it to more of a workout than you might be expecting but overall you'll feel great. Not just a leaner, more flexible you but a calmer and relaxed one too. Don't shy away from this challenging yet accessible practice that literally people of all ages do. 93 Year-Old Yoga Instructor Can Still Pose Perfectly">93 Year-Old Yoga Instructor Can...
Bamboo Toothbrush People See Connections
bamboo bamboo toothbrush eco-friendly products environmentally friendly Gaia Guy
Not everyone is going to buy a bamboo toothbrush. Even though they know it is an eco-friendly product that is better than plastic toothbrushes like Oral B. Perhaps one day they will also see how each purchase of bio-based products is one of the most positive environmental impacts they can make. And yes you can make a difference even when participating in the system as it were. Bamboo toothbrush people see connections between their daily actions and the ecology of the planet. People that truly understand that 'the environment' isn't something that you visit or think about sometimes on Earth...
DIY Natural Mouthwash Recipe
Here is an absolutely great idea for a diy natural mouthwash recipe. It comes from The Zero-Waste Chef you has a fabulous blog and instagram that you must check out. DIY mouthwash recipe: Steep 12 whole cloves (great for toothache), 3-4 whole star anise and 1 broken cinnamon stick in 1 cup of vodka for about a month. You can add essential tea tree oil (or peppermint oil) to improve the taste To use, dilute about 1/8 of a teaspoon in a few tablespoons of water, swirl around your mouth and gargle. Spit or swallow Why make your own natural...