How to Use Cork Yoga Blocks - Lego Your Ego

How to Use Cork Yoga Blocks - Lego Your Ego
how to use yoga blocks
Are you convinced that you don't need yoga blocks? Right, see you in a month or two. Why don't you check out Gaia Guy's Cork Yoga Mat

Yoga helps you overcome the ego, but at times we fight using yoga props because we think it is somehow cheating. Oh we all have a lot of growing up to do.

You have seen many advanced yogis using blocks to take their yoga practice to new levels so what why are you different? You're not and that's a good thing.

Get off the envy train and climb aboard the inspiration express to a more enlightened and supported yoga practice with yoga props. A set of Gaia Guy cork yoga blocks or even one yoga block to start is a great investment in your yoga practice and since it is all natural you don't have the angst of consumerism and toxic waste creation (ie PVC or other foam blocks) on your conscious.

Right. On to the folks who are on the fence about using yoga props. Or should that be teetering on a mental block of whether blocks are somehow cheating. Ha! That is laughable when you see the big picture. It's not a competition and no one is judging you on how you practice yoga except in your head.

Why should I use cork yoga blocks?

Well, would you like to improve your flexibility? Trying desperately to get deeper into certain poses? Gaia Guy cork yoga blocks are a fabulous way to enhance your gains in both areas.
Become pleasantly surprised at just how much more flexibility these blocks help you create. It feels so good to access postures that normally are literally out of reach without these solid and sturdy cork yoga blocks.
Here's a nice video showing some yoga postures and how you can enhance them with cork yoga blocks. Get some today and unblock your yoga potential with Gaia Guy.

Here's another video from friend of Gaia Guy, Grace Duckworth who is a great yogini and teacher in Kansas City. Check out her online yoga studio here.

Thank you to the great yogis who love using Gaia Guy cork yoga blocks!

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