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Doctors Warn That Microplastics Could Cause Dementia

eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly microplastics plant-based plastic pollution

Doctors Warn That Microplastics Could Cause Dementia

Environmental toxins could be linked to the surge in neurological disorders, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.   Leading neurologists and neuroscientists are still working to fill scientific holes in our understanding of environmental toxins. However, many doctors warn that microplastics could cause dementia and be linked to other brain disorders.   We know that air pollution, pesticides, microplastics, forever chemicals are far from good for us. However, what role they play in common diseases like dementia and childhood developmental disorders still need more research. We are bombarded with a staggering 80,000+ toxic chemicals in our daily life. This certainly adds to the...

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What is World Clean Up Day?

biodegradable earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly microplastics plastic pollution world environment day

What is World Clean Up Day?

We need environmental awareness and action days (like Plastic-Free July) to help motivate and educate the world. World Clean Up Day is another great global initiative. What is World Clean Up Day?

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How to Get Rid of Bad Breath (Tongue Scraping Halitosis Away)

Ayurvedic bamboo toothbrush copper tongue cleaner copper tongue scraper eco-friendly products natural bristle toothbrush preventive medicine

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath (Tongue Scraping Halitosis Away)

Only daily tongue scraping is able to get rid of bad breath i.e. the bacterial load at a statistically significant level. So there, you go it was put to the test in this study and daily tongue scraping at least twice a day is the best way to clean the dorsal surface of the tongue. 

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Bicycle is the slow death of the planet.

earth day environmental angst environmentally friendly natural solutions preventive medicine world environment day

Bicycle is the slow death of the planet.

"Bicycle is the slow death of the planet."

A banker made the economists think this when he said:
“A cyclist is a disaster for the country’s economy: he doesn’t buy cars and doesn’t borrow money to buy. He don't pay insurance policies. Don't buy fuel, don't pay to have the car serviced, and no repairs needed. He doesn't use paid parking. Doesn't cause any major accidents. No need for multi-lane highways.

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How to Participate in Plastic Free July

biodegradable earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly green marketing green products microplastics natural bristle toothbrush natural kitchen sponges plastic pollution

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

Plastic-Free July is a global movement to help educate people on the horrible impact plastic has on our world and to encourage people to refuse single-use plastics and other unnecessary plastics by making simple swaps.

For example, ditching their plastic toothbrush for a fully compostable bamboo and boar hair toothbrush.

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