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News — diy

139 Zero Waste Hacks For Your Home

diy microplastics plastic pollution plastic-free zero waste zerowaste

139 Zero Waste Hacks For Your Home

Here, you will discover an incredible compilation of 150 mind-blowing zero waste tips, specifically tailored to transform every nook and cranny of your home into an eco-friendly haven.

Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring journey as we unravel the secrets to reducing waste, conserving resources, and embracing a greener way of living.

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DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

diy earth day eco-friendly products

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

Here's a recipe for an all-purpose household cleaner that you can make at home using natural ingredients:

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Going Plastic-Free (Easier and Cheaper Than You Think or Is It?)

biodegradable carbon footprint diy earth day plastic pollution zero waste zerowaste

Going Plastic-Free (Easier and Cheaper Than You Think or Is It?)

Here are five reasons why going plastic-free is easier and cheaper than you think:

1. Reusable shopping bags – Investing in reusable shopping bags will save you money in the long run as they last longer than single use plastics. Plus, many stores offer discounts for bringing your own bag! However, I have found

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Natural Facial Scrub DIY

diy eco-friendly products edible sunscreen environmentally friendly yoga mat cleaner

Natural Facial Scrub DIY

Here's a recipe for a natural facial scrub that you can make at home using ingredients from your kitchen:


  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

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Open Source Sustainable Architecture

diy eco-friendly products environmentally friendly green business green products open source

Open Source Sustainable Architecture

Open Source sustainable architecture is desperately needed as the construction industry is a huge contributor to waste and carbon dioxide. Check out all these amazing open source building plans and designs.

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